JavaScript A to Z In Primary Step

Azmir Hossen
Nov 2, 2020


JavaScript ( History):
JavaScript was known as LiveScript, but it was renamed to capitalize on the matter of popularity of Sun Microsystem's Java language. Basically, the JavaScript language has no concept of input or output. JavaScript is designed to run as a Scripting language in its host environment.

Now I will mention the list of some popular host environment


2. Adobe Acrobat

3.Adobe Photoshop

4.SVG images

5. Yahoo widget engine

Server-side environments such as

  1. Node.js
  2. Apache Couch DB
  3. A desktop environment like GNOME

1.MDN JavaScript String.chartAt()

The string objects chartAt() method returns a new string as

2.MDN JavaScript array.concat()

The concat() method is used to merge two or more arrays

3.MDN JavaScript toLowerCase()

toLowerCase() method converted lowerCase to UpperCase letters

4.MDN JavaScript toUpperCase()

toUpperCase() method converted upperCase to lowerCase letters

5.MDN JavaScript Array.slice()

The slice() method returns a copy of a part as a new array object.

6.MDN JavaScript Math.abs()

The Math.abs() function returns the absolute value of a number

7.MDN JavaScript Math.ceil()

The Math.ceil() function always round a number up to the largest integer.

8.MDN JavaScript Math.floor()

The Math.floor() function returns the largest integer than or equal to a given number.

9.MDN JavaScript Math.min()

The Math.min() function returns the lowest value

10.MDN JavaScript Math.max()

The Math.max() functions returns the highest value



Azmir Hossen
Azmir Hossen

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